Hana in Providence

Latest from Hana

Hello Superior family!

    I have been anxiously anticipating the moment when I could take a few moments to send an update about the ministry happening here in Providence. Since my visit during the Christmas holidays, a lot has happened, specifically with the things that I asked you all to pray for. I cannot express enough thanks to you all for the prayers lifted up on my behalf and on behalf of those serving here with me. 

    Throughout January, I continued meeting with a student named Meagan, reading 1 John. Meagan comes from a nominal Catholic background and has the desire to grow in her knowledge of what it means to follow Christ. I also was able to start meeting regularly with a girl named Deidrae, who is a Christian, but has never  met with someone for the sake of accountability and spiritual growth. We met as often as the snowy month would allow. The record-breaking amount of snow meant many snow days for the students, which made regular meetings difficult. I also was able to share the Gospel with a man at the Social Security Office just because I was holding a book called, "The Cross-Centered Life." The guy asked me about the book and we were able to talk about the Gospel and what being a Christian means. I connected him to the church and pray that he will consider what we discussed and become a part of a Bible-teaching church. 

    February was probably the busiest and most exciting month so far in this past trimester! I was able to attend a training for how to reach out to Muslims and how to build Gospel-centered relationships with the students from the Middle East that attend Johnson and Wales University. I also started a ladies fellowship and time in the Bible on Thursday nights for the month of February. I was able to provide dinner and because of my convenient apartment location next to the university campus, more students were able to come than I anticipated.It was such a precious time to me and the last meeting definitely exceeded my expectations! A Chinese student named Luna, who I befriended last year, surprised me by showing up at my apartment an hour late to the gathering. She listened during the time that we discussed a chapter in Titus and then when all the other girls had left my apartment, Luna sat down and began asking questions about the Bible and about Christianity. She confessed that she desired to be a Christian but did not know much about Jesus, except that she believed everything she read about him in the Bible. She asked me to begin meeting with her to share about Jesus and also helping her with her English along the way. Sharing about Jesus, while helping with English, is literally my favorite thing to do! I am so excited to begin sharing God's Word with Luna on a regular basis. Please pray for this time as it begins this trimester. Pray that opportunities like this will continue to happen and that I will be ready to seek them out. 

As students get back from Spring Break this week, I will begin meeting with a few girls to read the Bible in their dorms and helping them to invite some of the people that live around them in the dorms to join us in reading. Please pray that this would be a time that bears fruit and that many people will hear God's Word as a result. Please pray for boldness for me and the students as we reach out to those around us for the sake of the Gospel. 
I love and miss everyone and think about you all often!

In Christ,
Hana Buob